Best Gift for the First Date

Selecting the perfect gift in your first date is a difficult proposition. It is hard to decide on the item also you may be wondering whether giving the gift is the right thing to do in the first place. You need to consider many things before deciding the ideal gift for your partner on the first date. Remember, you are selecting a gift for someone you barely know. You still do not know about her choices and dislikes. So, you need to be very cautious as well as go for something more generalised gifts. This should be something that may please girls in general and not very specific for any personality. Alternatively, it is good enough to take her to a nice restaurant and have dinner or lunch as per her convenience. But, if you still feel you want to give her a gift, then you may consider the following ones.

Do not go for too pricey gifts

It is generally perceived that expensive gifts are not a good option for the first date. You do not have to impress your girl with a costly gift. A diamond cannot make your relationship successful or last longer. It all depends on compatibility and whether the relationship is meant for you two. Gifts with romantic touches often outshine expensive ones.

Flowers are a good option

The key thing about first dates is to talk with each other about themselves and share information or interests. But again, flowers can be a good gift for the first date (not a bouquet), although it is a bit old concept. Try to as creative as possible. You can take more than one flower with you and keep them hidden under the table. Take out one after a gap of say 15 to 20 minutes along with some thoughtful complements. Make your gift more romantic than buying something truly expensive for her. You can give a single rose, but be very sure about the status of your relationship as it is a universal symbol of love. If you are not sure then you can go for a yellow rose, or lilies, orchids. A good idea is to research her favorite flowers (if you do not know it already) on social media and take it with you on the first date.


Chocolates are a very romantic gift option. You can easily give her a small box filled with delicious chocolates to impress on the first date. However, it is a bit time tested cliche gift and become a symbol of gentlemanly gesture.

Soft toys

Small stuffed small toys like teddy bears are also do well as the first date gift. If she likes soft toys, you will definitely giggle after receiving it. Look for pictures of soft toys in her social media accounts. If you find one this is the right gift for her.


Most of the girls love jewellery and you can safely gift small earrings or lockets to her for the first date. Nowadays you find nice little products ideal for such dates in many stores and also online. Again study whether she likes funky stuffs or the more traditional designs and gift accordingly. Never try to give too expensive jewelry as that will make you look too eager for the relationship.

Unconventional gifts

You can surprise her with some unconventional gifts like a silk scarf, a novel by her favourite writer (study her to know this) or the possible bestsellers, gift something that complements her hobby (if you know of course), a candy box, a cute key chain or even a small plant can be a great gift. Concentrate to remember the previous conversations with her and try to get the clues about her liking. This will also help you find the right gift for her and understand her better.

It is always a tricky situation when you are having the first date. You always have a dilemma about the right gift option for the first date. Will you go for an expensive gift or a nice romantic one? Will a gift be at all necessary or a dinner or lunch date is more suitable? There are different takes to be considered. You will like to look interesting and at the same time interested, but not needy by any means. Giving her a nice, romantic, and a small gift is an ideal and easy way to tell her just how chivalrous as well as thoughtful you are.

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